Holiday Lighting Installations

Illuminate You Holidays with Custom Fit Professional Lights!

Holiday Lighting

Your Seasonal Option
Our Holiday Lighting option is based on a lease model to ensure you never have to worry about your holiday lights again. Each year you have lights installed, you will earn a discount towards the following year, PLUS you get to change your light colour and/or pattern for free each year!

Design: We help you design exactly where you want your lights on your home. No more dangling lights from peak to peak or window to roofline. We help you choose the perfect look so your house looks straight out of a holiday movie!

Install: Our commercial grade lights are custom fit and professionally installed on your home for a seamless look without the effort. Included with the lights is a timer so you never have to worry about turning your lights on or off.

Maintenance: Never deal with burnt out bulbs or tangled lights again. We maintain the lights while on your home, and even after take down so each year you have the best looking lights on the block!

Removal: Our team will remove and store the lights at the end of the holiday season. They will be carefully stored for you until the following year.

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